Saturday, January 16, 2010

Doctor Who Collection Update - 16/1/2010 - Classic Wave 2

Classic Wave 2

Ice Warrior


Morbius Creature

The Master

VOC Robot


The long awaited Classic Wave 2 has arrived on my doorstep. And there is only one word to describe it: Fantastic!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Tenth Doctor (2005 - 2010)

"I don't wanna go" were the final emotional words from The Tenth Doctor as his regeneration began. However, this regeneration was perhaps the saddest since The Fourth Doctor in 1981.

Having rescued Wilfred Mott (Bernard Cribbins) from being flooded with radiation - The Doctor (David Tennant) excepted his fate. Upon stepping out of the glass box in the Naismith mansion, Wilf remarked about the cuts on The Doctor's face, to which he ran his hands down his face and to Wilf's surprise the cuts had healed.

This was the moment when The Doctor realised he was soon to regenerate yet again, but he still had alot to do before he went - returning Wilf home - The Doctor said "I'm going to get my reward".

And so, he went and rescued Martha (Freema Agyeman) and Mickey (Noel Clarke) from a Sontaran. Stopped Luke Smith (Tommy Knight) from being hit by a car, and with one look at Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen), she knew he would change once again. He then travelled to Donna Noble's (Catherine Tate) wedding, and gave her a wedding gift via Wilf and Sylvia (Jacqueline King) of a winning lottery ticket, then onto a space station to help old friend Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) find a new person to share his life with - Alonso Frame (Russell Tovey). And finally his last stop was to the 1st January 2005, where he informed Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) she was about to have the greatest year of her life.

By now his body was starting to die, and Ood Sigma (Paul Kasey) promised him that the universe would sing him to his sleep - he entered the TARDIS, removed his overcoat, made his final declaration, and regenerated into his Eleventh body (Matt Smith).